Portugal-Japan. Multicentennial journey of cultural-artistic exchange


  • Maria Joao Castro CHAM, Universidade Nova Lisboa


Bilateral relations, Reciprocal influences, Luso-Japanese Art, Visual Culture, Global Circulations.



The journey that this article proposes begins with the discovery of the exotic “other” of Modernity and ends with the arrival at the destination and the revelation of the impermanence of life in the Contemporary Era. In the interval of this chronological time, part of the cultural relations that Portugal and Japan developed over six centuries are outlined in a prolific and tentacular exchange whose matrix is based on a history of echoes and drifts. In the year in which the 480th anniversary of the arrival of the Portuguese in Japan (1543-2023) is celebrated, it is the right time to, in retrospect, crystallize and put into perspective an essayistic look at a bilateral and multi-century relationship based on an exchange of artistic ancestry from visual culture.


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