
refletindo um letramento literário antirracista


  • Karina de Morais e Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Valéria Correia Lourenço  (IFCE)




Based on the autobiographical narrative of writer Geni Guimarães in her work A cor da ternura (2018), our paper seeks to present how the aforementioned text can contribute to the construction of anti-racist pedagogies in two ways: first, promoting reflections on interethnic relations at school, and then as material for literary literacy practices. By starring black characters, the literary writing of Geni Guimarães unveils the intimacy of the psychosocial impacts of racism in their trajectories through a plot that ranges from the painful assimilation of racial conflicts by black children to their self-assertion of identity. In this sense, our study intends to explore the author's literary potential for the education of ethnic-racial relations, considering this pedagogical proposal in its affiliation to a broad program of anti-racist policies, which have in law 11.645, which it deals with the obligatory study of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous history and culture in public and private educational establishments, a historical legal landmark. The authors who base our research on the relationship between school, literature and practices to combat racism are Rildo Cosson (2009), with the conceptualization of literary literacy, and the research on interethnic relations in school education by Cavalleiro (2012); for the analysis of the literary text studied, we dialogued with the psychoanalytic researches on the psychic impacts of racism by Grada Kilomba (2019) and Neusa Santos Souza (1983).


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Author Biography

Valéria Correia Lourenço , (IFCE)

Graduada em Letras Língua portuguesa e Literaturas pela UFRRJ - Nova Iguaçu. Mestra em Cartografia Social e Política da Amazônia pela UEMA. Doutoranda em Literatura comparada pela UFC. Professora de literatura e língua portuguesa do Ensino médio, técnico e tecnológico do IFCE campus Crateús.



How to Cite

DE MORAIS E SILVA, K.; LOURENÇO , V. C. Português: refletindo um letramento literário antirracista. Revista Decifrar, Manaus, v. 9, n. 17, p. 167–187, 2021. DOI: 10.29281/rd.v9i17.9135. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/Decifrar/article/view/9135. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.