Cútis Laxa Congênita: Relato de Caso

Congenital Cutis Laxa: Case Report


  • Francisco Marcos da Silva Barroso HUGV
  • Ingrid Demosthenes Wanzileu UFAM
  • Ana Cecília de Souza Lima UFAM
  • Vitor Emanuel Pires Montenegro HUGV
  • Petrus Oliva Souza
  • Vânia Gadelha Mesquita Prazeres UFAM


Cutis Laxa. Elasticity. Genetic counseling.


Cutis Laxa is a rare disorder that can be inherited or acquired, resulting in the change of the elastic tissue, which make the skin loose and inelastic. It congenital form has systemic involvement and worse prognosis. This current paper reports a case of Congenital Cutis Laxa with systemic involvement in the second child of consanguineous parents. The diagnosis demands a series of tests, detailed physical examination, histological analysis and evaluation of the child’s development. Currently, there is no effective treatment and the only available one is symptomatic. This report makes a major contribution, while describes the pathology and indicates the importance of its early diagnosis in order to avoid further complications to patients.


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