Perfil Epidemiológico das Suspensões Cirúrgicas Ocorridas no Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas no Ano de 2015 – Manaus, Amazonas

Epidemiological Profile of Surgical Suspensions Occurred at the Getulio Vargas University Hospital in 2015 – Manaus, Amazonas


  • Thiago Tinôco Lungareze HUGV
  • Roger Arthur da Cunha Alves HUGV
  • Márcio Lopes Faria HUGV
  • Gualter Ferreira de Andrade Júnior HUGV
  • José Paulo Guedes Saint Clair UFAM
  • Raissa Barakatt de Figueiredo UFAM


Elective surgery. Surgical suspension. Epidemiological profile.


The cancellation or suspension of an elective surgery represents a problem already known in many health institutions that offer this benefit. This is a cross-sectional observational study with a quantitative and retrospective approach which objective is to trace the epidemiological profile of surgical suspensions at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital (HUGV) in the year of 2015, using the records of the management and nursing team as an instrument for data collection. It was observed a total of 897 surgical suspensions in the year 2015, and among the patients, 48.4% were female and 51.6% were male; 64.4% of the surgeries were scheduled for the morning shift and 35.6% for the afternoon shift. It was obseved a total of 897 surgical suspensions in the year 2015, and among the patients, 48.4% were female and 51.6% were male; 64.4% of the surgeries were scheduled for the morning shift and 35.6% for the afternoon shift. The main cause of suspension was the lack of clinical preparation (27.6%) and patient absenteeism (21.4%); the biological or surgical material shortage represented 11% of the suspensions and 9% were due to a lack of preoperative exams at the time of surgery. The surgical teams that most suspended operations were the General Surgery and Digestive System (CGAD), with 35% of the total suspensions, followed by Orthopedics (21%) and Neurosurgery (12.5%). Knowledge of the main causes of suspensions of scheduled elective surgeries is paramount for the elaboration of strategies against this problem. It is estimated that about 58% of suspended surgeries could be avoided, however, additional studies should be performed to find the correct quantification of these numbers and the best strategy for its decrease.


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