Analysis of the inheritance pattern in cases of illness causing moral harassment




psychological harassment, workplace violence, illness, genetic predisposition


Moral harassment stands out for its “invisibility”, for being a type of violence without blood, which does not leave hands dirty, making its characterization difficult. As a result of this violence, victims may have symptoms of illness related to stress, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disorders, migraines, digestive disorders, back pain, mood and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, Burnout Syndrome and in more cases. Serious can lead to suicide. There are no studies in the literature that proposed to demonstrate the etiology of psychopathology triggered by bullying, especially from the genetic point of view of mental disorders. This project aimed to create an investigation protocol that allows the identification of genetic predisposition (or not) of mental disorders among four workers who had the recognition of bullying at a public university. Diagnosed pathologizes and the etiology of the mental disorders of these workers were analyzed, through the application of a questionnaire on stressful life events (EVE) and the study of the pedigree. The results demonstrate in all cases that mood and anxiety disorders are the most frequent, followed by Burnout Syndrome and suicide attempt. The analysis of Stressful Life Events - EVEs identified five most frequent events ("serious health problems or some damage", "job loss", "serious problems at work" and "legal problems", "Problems with an individual in the network relationship” and “serious personal crisis”). The analysis of pedigrees revealed negative family aggregation in all cases, which proves that the genetic factor necessary to develop mental disorders was not sufficient. In another sense, the analysis under the aspects of gene-environment interactions, including systematic exposures or the identification of environmental risk factors that surround them in the family environment was also not found in the family environment, however, stressful events in the work environment respond to genesis of pathologizes. The analysis of all the results and the updated literature indicates the causal link between environmental risk factors (moral harassment) and mental disorders as the main cause of illness among the subjects in the sample. In view of the results obtained, the combination of the two protocols, through the study of pedigrees and the analysis of environmental factors inherent to workplace violence - moral harassment, allowed the creation of a new investigation protocol that allows the identification of the genetic predisposition (or not) of the disorders mental.


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