Avaliação dos médicos residentes do HUGV quanto aos efeitos da pandemia na formação como especialista





Pandemic, COVID-19, Medical residency, Medical education


The COVID-19 pandemic changed the Brazilian health system, which began to face the most diverse challenges. Following the recommendations regarding the development of activities of medical residency programs, residents were relocated to environments dedicated to the care of people affected by the new coronavirus. The objective of this study was to identify the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the training of resident physicians at the Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas (HUGV/UFAM). An observational and descriptive study was carried out with resident physicians, through a questionnaire made available online by the Google Forms ® Platform. Most were removed from their services, maintaining only urgency and emergency care (36.8%) or directed to the care of COVID-19 cases (32.2%). Internal medicine residents remained in their usual activities (88.9%), while surgery residents were kept only on an urgent and emergency basis (75%) and anesthesia residents were directed to the care of COVID-19 cases. (52.9%). A total of 48.6% of the participants believe that the pandemic generated an important deficit in their training, mainly in the practice of R1 residents (71.4%). Despite such changes, the majority of residents (57.5%) believe that it is possible to meet the minimum prerequisites for their training. The COVID-19 pandemic has modified the traditional structure of the medical residency in a specific way for each area of ​​specialization. Although the minimum teaching prerequisites have been met, there was a perception of a deficit in training, with the need to increase educational practices as a compensatory mechanism during post-pandemic periods.


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