Relação entre índice de fragilidade em idosos submetidos a cirurgia eletiva e complicações perioperatórias




Frailty, elderly, perioperative period, postoperative complications


Frailty is a multidimensional biological syndrome characterized by a decrease in physiological reserve due exposure to stressors. In the elderly, it presents more expressive vulnerability, and works as a preponderant factor in the perioperative period. The aim of the study was relate the frailty index in elderly patients undergoing elective surgery and assess the prevalence of postoperative complications. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), under CAAE: 46926621.3.0000.5020. An analytical, observational and cross-sectional study was carried out, with the application of a structured evaluative questionnaire of the Edmonton Frailty Scale (EFS) in pre and postoperative phases in the Surgical Clinic ward of the Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas (HUGV). The study population consisted of 83 patients, with a predominance of males (56.6%), married marital status (54.2%), incomplete elementary education (33.7%) and mean age of 71.6 years (±5.39). Most patients received general anesthesia (47%), with an average surgical time of 2-3 hours (31.3%). Patients who had a moderately fragile index went to the ICU in 100% of the cases, with a length of stay ≥ 3 days (100% of the cases), demonstrating a statistically significant relationship (p ≤ 0.003). It has been proven that the assessment of frailty through the application of the EFS scale allows specific planning to reduce perioperative risks. Due the complexity of the topic, further research within this field of anesthesiology is urgent, in order to restrict postoperative complications and promote improved prognosis in the elderly population.


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