Lifestyle as a risk factor for arterial hypertension in adults




Hypertension; Lifestyle; Adult health


The lifestyle adopted can be a risk or protective factor for high blood pressure. This study sought to provide relevant information on the topic, so that it could direct health policies aimed not only at the prevention and control of high blood pressure, but also towards the development of local strategies that enable the implementation of actions that motivate the self-care practice in the target audience. The objective was to identify risk factors for high blood pressure and/or self-reported hypertension, considering sociodemographic, work and health conditions variables. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with 44 adults, over 18 years old, accompanying patients at a university outpatient clinic in Manaus-AM. Data collection took place in a single stage, in a virtual environment, through the Google Forms platform, using a notebook with questions about data (sociodemographic, labor and health conditions), in addition to the fantastic lifestyle questionnaire validated in Brazil. Data were compiled and analyzed using Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 21.0. The results obtained showed the risk factors for SAH in descending order: sedentary lifestyle, followed by individuals with 30 years of occupation or more and who used private transport for commuting to work. Regarding the health conditions that favored SAH, pre-existing chronic diseases were identified in individuals who use antihypertensive drugs such as Losartana. As for the classification of the fantastic questionnaire – it showed a regular and good level among the 44 participants.


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